Nottingham City Council criticised for bad records management
Nottingham city council's ability to manage records has been criticised by the National Archives. Its report highlights "a lack of records management strategy" and says that, as a result, staff have "a poor understanding of where and how records should be stored and disposed of".The Information Commissioner recommended the review after investigating the authority's handling of a request made under the Freedom of Information Act by Peter Bowbrick.
The report said: "The absence of policies restricts the council's ability to deal properly with requests under the Freedom of Information Act as well as posing significant reputational risks."
Wollaton resident and former UN investigator Dr Bowbrick had complained that the council had withheld information from him in breach of Freedom of Information law.
The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has now issued a series of recommendations to the council about its record management. In a statement it said: "The ICO is aware that the council has begun to address some of the problems with The National Archives and has made a number of suggestions which should help improve performance."
Council record staff under fire (Nottingham Evening Post, 29 October 2007)
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