Ireland: FoI reveals extent of liability claims

Waterford County Council in Ireland has paid out over €1.785 million since 2003 in public liability claims, Waterford News and Star has revealed.

“The figures include all payments made including road traffic accidents, flooding, housing and footpaths,” stated Tess O’Brien, Freedom of Information Officer.

The figures, which were obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, show that a total of 146 claims were made between 2003 and 2007 (first 9 months). When the figures are broken down, 49 claims or 34% of the total payout cost involved people receiving payments resulting from personal injuries. As a result, €607,105 was paid out for trips or falls over footpaths, manholes and gully traps. Of the 49 cases, 40 involved footpaths and saw the County Council hand over €482,113 to members of the public. Meanwhile 68 cases involving potholes, road works, road design, surface dressing and road markings/signs, cost the County Council €839,233.

€1.78m paid out for public liability claims (Waterford News & Star, 2 November 2007)