Environmental news blog
Rob Edwards, a freelance environmental journalist with the Sunday Herald and New Scientist, has established a blog which contains over 300 articles on nuclear power, nuclear weapons, climate change, transport, GM, pollution, waste, wildlife, and freedom of information.His website contains a section that is devoted to FOI-related environmental issues and news stories. A permanent link to this section has been added to the "useful links" menu on the FOISA blog.
Rob's latest FoI pieces from the Sunday Herald are now available in full on his blog:
- Executive 'perverse' about preposition (http://www.robedwards.com/2006/08/executive_perve.html)
"The Scottish Executive has been condemned for a "perverse" response to a request for information about proposed nuclear waste dumps. The Scottish Information Commissioner, Kevin Dunion, has found the Executive guilty of breaching the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 by interpreting the request "in the narrowest possible terms". The Sunday Herald asked for information "on" plans for nuclear waste disposal. Civil servants took that to mean information setting out such plans, and refused the request." - BNFL paid unions to back new nuclear power stations (http://www.robedwards.com/2006/08/bnfl_paid_union.html).
"Trade unionists have been given thousands of pounds by their government company bosses to campaign in favour of Tony Blair’s new nuclear power programme. Funding from state-owned British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) paid for airfares, hotels, dinners and “refreshments” for union members from nuclear plants to lobby delegates at Labour and TUC conferences in Brighton last autumn. BNFL has been accused of using taxpayers’ money to create a pro-nuclear “front” organisation, while the trade unionists involved have been attacked by fellow unionists for “getting into bed with the employer”. But this is denied by the nuclear trade unions, who insist that they are “defending our jobs, our livelihoods and our communities” from attack."
Read the stories in full on Rob Edwards blog: www.robedwards.com
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