£2.5 million spent by Scottish Executive on glossy brochures

The Scottish Executive spent more than £2.5 million on Government publications in less than a year. Between July 1 last year and May 31 the bill for Executive publications came to £2,572,140. The cost was revealed by finance minister Tom McCabe in answer to a parliamentary question from Tory finance spokesman Derek Brownlee.

Mr Brownlee said: "I accept Government has a duty to inform, advise and consult - but that doesn't mean millions of pounds of taxpayers' money should be wasted on glossy brochures."

The publications covered such subjects as the new system of single seller surveys, the Freedom of Information Act, avian flu and foot-and-mouth disease, tackling knife crime and climate change.

Executive blasted over £2.5m costs (Glasgow Evening Times, 4 August 2006)